Bone Leaf
22x28 . $1800. . mixed media

In a world where flora wears the skeletal guise of humanity, imagine the verdant landscapes transformed into surreal tapestries of botanical wonder. Trees rise majestically, their branches adorned with the delicate curvature of rib cages, each leaf a testament to the intricate network of veins and arteries that pulse with life.

Chest Cavity
24x24. $1700  Mixed media on Canvas

In the depths of dark pink, where magic weaves its silent spell,
Bones stand tall, mighty ships upon life's flowing swell.
Cells drift like whispers, on a river of life's sweet juice,
Each journey a tale, a delicate dance of divine truce.
Feel the gentle thump, the heartbeat of the universe's flight,
Squint your eyes and hold on tight, to the symphony of night.
In this ethereal voyage, where dreams and reality entwine,
Discover the secrets of existence, in the realm of the sublime.

Green Moss Slide
16x 20      $1000     Acrylic on Canvas

Imagine a colossal oak tree, its ancient trunk rising skyward like a titan of the forest, crowned with a canopy of emerald leaves that rustle softly in the breeze. Cascading down its weathered bark, a tapestry of green moss unfolds, a verdant cascade of life clinging to the rough surface with tenacious grace.

Hand Style Sanctuary
18x18      $970       Mixed Media on Canvas

A lot of people miss the expressionism when it comes to graffiti. I think the dance of a beautiful HAND-STYLE is one of the most amazing forms of movement.

Jungle Roller Coaster
18x18         $970           Acrylic on Canvas

In the swirling madness of Jungle Roller Coaster, where the very air vibrates with untamed energy, I found myself suspended in the zenith of a gravity-defying loop. In that fleeting moment of weightlessness, the world turned topsy-turvy, and reality blurred into a kaleidoscope of sensation. Amidst the lush foliage that enveloped me, a slithering silhouette caught my eye—a Python, sinuous and silent, weaving through the verdant canopy. Its presence, a serpentine whisper in the cacophony of the wild, ignited a primal spark within me, an electric surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins.

Meditation and Chaos
50 x 60        $9000      Mixed Media on Canvas

The initial stroke upon the first canvas was birthed from surplus beige house paint, a remnant of the condo association's generosity. With deft strokes of gold spray paint, I brought forth a figure in meditation, his form unfolding in expressive hand styles. Each stroke echoed the labyrinthine pathways of his mind, as he traversed the depths of his consciousness. Consumed by the tumult of his thoughts, he sought solace in the simplicity of breath, each inhale and exhale a rhythmic dance of existence. Through the alchemy of color and gesture, I captured his journey, frozen in time upon the canvas—a testament to the ceaseless quest for inner peace amidst the chaos of existence.

Pia Posse Mask
11x14 . $350.  Acrylic on Canvas

I am thrilled to present my daughter Pia's incredible painting, "Pia Posse Mask." She is a vibrant and creative four-year-old with a beautiful mind. I wish you could hear her articulate the depths of this mask, as it would undoubtedly leave you in awe.

Rainbow vs Tornado
24x36 . $2500 Mixed Media on Canvas

I painted this back in 2011 and it marked a change in my artistic style. We had some matte black paint left from painting our daughter Stella’s crib, and I decided to use it to create a piece depicting a rainbow battling a tornado. The swirling movement on the canvas creates the illusion of bats desperately trying to evade the destructive force of the tornado. The chaotic dance of the swirl captures the frantic struggle for survival as the bats frantically dart and weave through the tumultuous winds, their wingtips brushing against the edges of the canvas as they fight for escape.
Six Realms of Existence
30x30      $2700       Mixed Media on Canvas

Amidst the wilderness of creativity, the black hand-style emerges, its contours outlined in glimmering gold—a testament to resilience amidst adversity. Like navigating through thick bushes, the struggle is real, each stroke of the can a battle against the tangles of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, from the depths of chaos, beauty emerges, albeit with the scars of the journey—itchy and adorned with insect bites. Through the crucible of creation, we find that true beauty often arises from the most unexpected places, a shimmering beacon amidst the tangled undergrowth of life's trials.

Snow Cone One
20x20  .  $1200.   Mixed Media on Canvas
Snow Cone Two
20x20  .  $1200.   Mixed Media on Canvas
In a dazzling spectacle, twin canvases adorned with the vibrant hues of tiger's blood and the ethereal sweetness of cotton candy intertwine, their surfaces transformed into a whimsical tableau reminiscent of fluffy snow. This dynamic duo promises to infuse your mundane walls with an explosion of funky, firecracker-inspired eye candy. Don't miss out on this electrifying addition to your space—grab them now and let your walls dance with joy!

The Bones of Orange Luminescence
7x9. .  $185 - Acrylic on Canvas

In the glow of neon orange luminescence, a most curious spectacle emerges—a skull, adorned with splatters of bone and gristle, rests majestically upon the tranquil surface of a serene blue pond. Its eerie allure beckons forth all the frogs and logs in the vicinity, as if under some mysterious summoning.

Dear connoisseur of the avant-garde, be the pioneer, the intrepid bee to bestow upon this masterpiece the sting of your admiration. Let it find its eternal dwelling amidst the walls and halls of your exquisite abode, a testament to the enigmatic beauty that transcends the ordinary.

The Coves of Palos Verdes
24x24 - $1700 - Mixed Media on Canvas

This exquisite painting is the latest addition to my collection of abstract pieces. I carefully positioned my easel on a secluded cove in Palos Verdes, California, surrounded by the rugged beauty of the coastline. As I stood there, I allowed myself to become completely immersed in the tranquil atmosphere, and I channeled the essence of that moment onto my canvas. The day was overcast, casting a muted, mystical light over the Pacific Ocean, which displayed a subtle green tint. The air was thick with the unmistakable scent of salt water, adding to the sensory experience of capturing this scene. 

The Forest of Candle Wax
18x24  .  $1250. .  mixed media on canvas

I found myself captivated by the graceful movements of an octopus as it glided through the vibrant coral reef, effortlessly changing colors like a mesmerizing dance of melting candles.

The Flowers Abstract Dream
16x20. .  $1000. . Acrylic on Canvas

In the autumn of 2009, a stunning flower blossomed, symbolizing a significant time in my life. This exquisite painting serves as a poignant reminder of that period of newfound love.

The Tiger and the POPE
13x13. .  $550  Acrylic on Canvas

Amidst the hallowed halls of St. Peter's grand,
Where echoes of devoutness softly sing,
A pope astride a tiger makes his stand,
Astride the beast, a holy, fearsome king.
Through marble corridors, they boldly stride,
Where echoes of their footsteps interlace,
Their presence fills the sacred space with pride,
As tiger's grace and pope's serene embrace.
The pontiff's hand extends in benediction,
While tiger's gaze holds both awe and respect,
In this unlikely, divine contradiction,
Faith and wildness in harmony connect.
For in this scene, where sacred meets the wild,
The pope and tiger share a bond, beguiled.

Vampire has Plaque has Buildup
12x16. .  $650 - Acrylic on Canvas

In the land of sweets and sugary swoons,
Where corn syrup flows and flavors croon,
There lurks a tale, oh, do beware,
Of vampires with teeth in need of care.
For in this world of artificial delights,
Where every taste bud takes to flights,
Vampires roam with a toothy wince,
Their fangs in need of dental rinse.
The dentist sighs, with a weary glance,
As vampires flock for their dental dance,
Double charges, oh what a fuss,
For the hours are long, the work's no plus.
So heed this caution, oh mortal kin,
Beware the sweets that lure you in,
For in the realm of candy's allure,
Even vampires need a dentist's cure.

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